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Welcome at Atelier-galerie Pastel Passion
the owner, Pierre Risch ,is glad to meet you


In 1799 Mr ALOYS SENEFELDER a chorister at the theatre of Munich, who had written several plays
and wanted to print them, but was too poor to pay their cost, looked for a process .
After a lot of different attempt he found the Lithographic process. .

Welkown masters as Henri de Toulouse Lautrec,Daumier,Degas,Picasso...made in this art marvellous works.

The process is the contrast between the grease and the light.
Each colour is drawn separately on a limestone named "Pierre Lithographique", with a special grease pencil,
The stone has been prepared, has been sand, before to receive the drawing. only the part of the colour that the artist wants to print is drawn The drawing is not engrave on the limestone,it is just drawn
then ,the limestone is coat with a solution with acid and then with the ink coloured in the colour that the artist wants to print
, the ink will cover just the part drawn, then, it will be readY to put a beautiful sheet on the limestone inked, and to realise the print, with an adequate a pessure to obtein a faithful result in the colour wanted.
For Eeach sheet, the lime stone will be coat regularly with the solution and the ink.
The process will go till the end, for the second colour, with a new limestone drawn, with the new part to realise, in the new colour, and this to obtein the lithograph completely made.
Our press is a press named"A BRAS", Brisset 1850 century.
See our new lithographs just made in this traditional manner
made on paper Velin D'Arches,L18.8 inchesX H18 inches, .
made on paperVelin d'Arches, 19 inches x19inches.
This original lithograph has been translate from an original pastel named "LES VALENTINES"48.5 inches X48.5 inches

Copryright Pierre Risch - 1990 - 2018